We are a Classical Anglican parish devoted to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Nourished through the spiritual riches of the Book of Common Prayer, we strive by grace to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God the Father and for the blessing of the world.
As a parish we embrace a twofold charism of gospel teaching and high church spirituality, affirming that Classical Anglicanism is a uniquely English expression of evangelical catholicism.
It is evangelical in that it is founded and centered upon the gospel of Jesus Christ as declared in the Holy Scriptures.
It is catholic in the sense of embracing the fullness of the faith once delivered to the saints; the faith of the undivided Church.
Anglican simply means English. Thus, Anglicanism is an expression of Christianity that developed in England over the centuries, where it established its own native theological, liturgical, ceremonial, pastoral, musical, and spiritual traditions. The totality of these traditions is sometimes referred to as the Anglican Patrimony.
St. Timothy’s is committed to worshipping and following Our Lord Jesus Christ by being firmly planted in the Anglican Patrimony. Our worship is offered according to the Book of Common Prayer 2019, with hymns and choir anthems drawn from the rich heritage of Anglican church music. If you are not used to liturgical worship, there will be friendly greeters ready to assist and answer any questions you have. Our children meet for Kids' Church during the readings and sermon and return to the service for Holy Communion. All are invited for coffee and fellowship after the service.
While worship at church is essential to who we are, it is by no means exhaustive. Our community lives by the rhythms of daily Morning and Evening Prayer. We observe the fasts and feasts of the Church throughout the year. We gather in small groups for Bible studies, Catechism classes, and prayer meetings. We have fun together. In all these ways we strive to be a people shaped by the Prayer Book to the glory of God.
St. Timothy’s is a parish of the Anglican Network in Canada, a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America. Our bishop is the Rt. Rev. Dan Gifford.
Fuji Mooney
Nancy Nelson
Peter Haigh